Different Piles Treatment

OK, here are the natural remedies I promised you, starting with #6 and counting down to the #1 natural treatment of piles. You can one or several of these natural treatments to relieve the symptoms of piles.

Dry figs: The consumption of dry figs is one of the most effective home remedies for piles. Three or four figs should be soaked overnight in water after being cleaned properly in hot water. They should be taken the first thing in the morning along with the water in which they are soaked. They should also be taken in the evening in the same manner for three or four weeks. The tiny seeds of dry figs have an excellent quality of stimulating peristaltic movements of the intestines. This facilitates easy elimination of feces and keeps the alimentary canal clean.


High fiber diet - Piles are irritated every day during a bowl movement. If you increase your daily fiber with all natural foods like leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit, and whole grain click here cereals you will soften your stools and reduce the straining during a bowel movement. This will help speed up the time it takes to heal your piles fast.

Onion Juice - Onions are very effective for bleeding piles. A tablespoon of onion juice with a little ghee and sugar should be taken twice a day for a few days.

These products may be harmful though if not administered properly. Those ingredients should not be used too much or for too long. The fact that they are fast-acting also means they are easily absorbed by the body, making the risk of side effects increased.



To cure piles, one must go to the source. If you can stop yourself from aggravating your piles, you then have a good chance that you can cure them. Piles begin if you have difficult bowel movements. It puts a lot of strain on the blood vessels there.

Dried and powdered mango seeds are very effective in treating bleeding piles. 1-2 grams of this powder should be taken for best results. One can add few drops of honey for taste.

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